If your business number is a cell phone number: You will have to contact your cell phone service provider directly to ask if you can get your number listed on 411.Press8 Telecom offers customers a business listing in 411 directory assistance for a small one-time $20 fee. Many VoIP providers do not offer this feature but a few do. If your business number is a VoIP number: You are completely dependent on your VoIP provider to get your number listed in 411.Or, go to this free form and input your information to get listed. If your business number is a landline: Inform 411 Directory Assistance that you are in fact the owner of the business, and ask them how to get listed locally.If you are told that there is no listing, you have to first know if your number is a landline number, a cell phone number, or a VoIP number. To find out if your small business landline number is listed with 411, call the national directory assistance at 1+ area code + 555 + 1212.
1) How to get listed for free in 411 Directory Assistance Just follow the four easy steps below to get listed in the White Pages and in Directory Assistance. VoIP Lines, cell phone listings, work-at-home businesses, and DBA business names often don’t make it into the white pages, but you shouldn’t let that deter you. Second, creditors check with Directory Assistance and the White Pages to make sure businesses are legitimate when they apply for credit.įinally, if you don’t have a listing, people may think you’re running a scam instead of a legitimate business. It’s a known fact that you will encounter quite a few problems if your business is not listed in the White Pages or registered with directory assistance.įirst of all, your prospects will not be able to find you, and decide to do business with your competition. By Tamara Field | Updated on October 16, 2020